Inquire about 6 Americas Meta (Facebook and Instagram) Lookalike Models
Resource for the climate and other social change movements
We built Meta lookalike audiences — models — to target most of the Six Americas and people. Partners typically use these models to target audiences for paid ads, recruit new activists, amplifying content, persuasion, or to test how different audiences respond to specific messages. The models are available to nonprofits in the climate and social change movements, and the use of models is subject to approval from the Partnerships team and conditions of a memorandum of understanding (MOU). 

If you would like to talk through your goals or set up a message test using our models, please set up a consultation here
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Name *
Email  *
Organization *
Please describe your program goals.

What are the goals of your organization or the specific campaign we are working on together? Good to include a short summary of the campaign and its theory of change

How do you plan to use the models? What is your goal for this aspect of your campaign? 
Which models are you requesting?  *
How long would you like to use the models? Starting when?  *
Estimated budget for advertising using these models.

Can YPCCC use the results from this experiment as an example for other organizations that are trying to achieve similar goals? 

Tax Status of the Project *
Facebook Ad Account Number
This number can be found in your Facebook Ads manager.
Do you have approval from Meta to run social issue ads?  *
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