AfricaNLP 2023 Peer Mentorship Form
We believe in Peer mentorship i.e. we do not distinguish interested parties in a "mentor" and a "mentee" pool, since we believe that everyone has valuable knowledge and experience to share, and we gain from learning *from each other*. #Masakhane #WeBuildTogether

This form aims to create mentoring connections around the virtual AfricaNLP 2023 workshop co-located with ICLR. The goal is to connect participants, academics, professionals, students, newcomers, and experts through bite-sized mentorship (

You can and should also post open questions on the Masakhane slack, to everyone there, and perhaps help out others with their questions.

We will pair members of the pool according to their common interests and complementary skill set. It is up to both parties to decide on the level and the medium of collaboration, ranging from a 1hr virtual call to a full co-authorship of a workshop submission.

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