ABC Academy Teacher Performance Review Form
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Teacher Name
(First and Last, please)
Evaluator Type
If this is your self-evaluation, select that option
Calendar Year Being Evaluated
REVIEW GUIDELINES - Read carefully.

The performance review process is done in 2 phases.  First, the Teacher and the Director independently complete identical review forms, and the teacher submits the form to the director for review.  Rate reviews may be impacted by performance.

The Teacher and Director then meet to compare similarities and discrepancies.  Questions are assigned different numeric values based on importance of each area being evaluated.  Target scoring should be 80% year over year, or better.

Ideally the reports should match, and discrepancies will highlight and lead to development and improvement strategies.  These are to be agreed upon for implementation over a mutually acceptable timeline.

Results in or below the 70th percentile will require a secondary review at 3 months, and clear agreements for improvement.

The section entitled 'During the Lesson' is NOT included in the final scoring, but is part of the process to get you to evaluate if there are areas in which you may improve (as is the whole process, in fact).  Be honest and hard on yourself to see if you can improve how you teach, and ultimately the learning experience of our students.  It is easy to rest on our laurels, but we want to always strive for better, and to learn how.
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