Peer Reviewer information form
Thank you for registering your interest in becoming a peer reviewer for AIMS. 

AIMS books and Birth Information pages have long benefitted from our process of ‘peer review’, with a mix of expert and lay readers providing critical comments and suggestions. These Peer Reviewers play a vital role in assuring the quality and fitness for purpose of all our published material.

We are developing a register of people who would be willing to volunteer to do this from time to time for new books and Birth Information webpages. If you are not in a position to volunteer for AIMS on a regular basis, this is a great way of supporting our work - as well as giving you a sneak preview of new AIMS material. You can decide how much you do, depending on your time availability and interests.

We are particularly keen to hear from people with research knowledge, understanding of statistics, and/or specialist knowledge of a topic, but it’s also really helpful to have people who can comment from the perspective of our main audience - individual maternity service users and their families.

You will need to attend a short training session, and make sure that you are familiar with AIMS policies, position papers and language guidance. You will also need to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

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Email *
Name *
Please describe your level of experience/training including any relevant qualifications in the following areas
Understanding research evidence
Knowledge of statistics
Midwifery training
Clinical training
Antenatal educator and / or doula training
Specialist topic knowledge (please list topics)
Other relevant information
Are you an AIMS member?
Are you already an AIMS volunteer?
Have you already attended our Peer Reviewer training?
If you have already attended our Peer Reviewer training, please could you give the date (if known)?

Consent for information Sharing within AIMS

We will store the contact information and details that you provide about your qualifications, skills, experience and interests to enable us to identify peer reviewing opportunities that may be of interest to you.

A copy of the information from your completed form will be stored on our Google Drive, where it is accessible only to the Office Administrator, IT Team, Management Team and Trustees.

We will also share details from your application form or other personal information you give us with relevant AIMS volunteers so that they can contact you with requests for help with peer reviewing. 

All active AIMS Volunteers have received training and signed an undertaking to abide by the AIMS privacy policy and their responsibilities as data processors under the GDPR legislation. Access is removed from anyone who ceases to be an active Volunteer.

We will not share your personal information with anyone outside AIMS without your permission.

Please tick this box to confirm that you are willing for us to use  your information in this way.

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