Second Global Meeting of the "Partnerships for Sustainable Cities" Programme | Registration Form

After its first edition in March 2023, we are getting ready to host second Global meeting of the actors involved in the EU-supported programme: “Partnerships for Sustainable Cities”. The event will take place in Barcelona, in cooperation with the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, between 12 and 14 of March 2024. 

In order to ensure a demand-driven approach to refining the agenda for our Global Meeting, we have conceived a short survey with a limited set of questions for all participants that register to attend. It seeks to better understand your expectations, specific interests as well as possible inputs and roles in the various sessions of the event.

We take the chance to also collect details of all participants that will be attending the event. 

We kindly invite you to fill in the form below by Monday 22nd of January 2024 the latest


The meeting will take place on 12-14 March at the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Auditorium (Building A, 8th floor), C/ 62, núm. 16-18, - (Zona Franca) - 08040 Barcelona
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