Wellness Essentials Intensive (Barrie) November 2024 Registration

Date: 11-18 November 2024 (For a complete schedule, please refer to jasminephong.com/page/wellness-essentials-november-2024
Event Address:  68 Stanley Street, Barrie ON 
Contact us at (416) 558 9881 or simplifiedjasmine@gmail.com 
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First Name *
Last Name (Surname) *
Middle Name or other name (if applicable)
Email Address: *
Street Address *
City *
Province / States *
Postal Code / Zip *
Country *
Day Time Telephone *
Evening Telephone
Who referred you to this course?
Please select ONLY the "Wellness Essentials" Option if you are attending all five of the offered courses. If you aren't attending all of them, please select which ones you are.

One class $295 US or $395 CAD
Two classes $545 US or $730 CAD (Discount $60 CAD)
Three classes $795 US or $1060 CAD (Discount $120 CAD)
Four classes $1045 US or $1400 CAD (Discount $180 CAD)
Five classes $1295 US or $1735 CAD (Discount $240 CAD)
(Each additional class is discounted at $45 US or $60 CAD) 

Extra fee of 5% if paying by credit card
I understand that I will have to pay a $200 CAD non-refundable guarantee my spot. *
I will send payment via EMT to simplifiedjasmine@gmail.com at time of registration to confirm my spot. *
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