AI Impersonation Form
The following are passages that may or may not have been written by Dr. Seuss. There can be multiple written by AI, or multiple written by Dr. Seuss. This survey is completely anonymous, and you will not get feedback on your results.

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Was this written by AI?

“The A is for Ape. And B is for Bear.
The C is for Camel. The H is for Hare
The M is for Mouse. And the R is for Rat.”
“I know all the twenty-six letters like that…
… Through to Z is for Zebra. I know them all well.”
Said Conrad Cornelius o’Donald o’Dell.
Was this written by AI?

In the town of Snoodleburg, where the wild Whimsywoos play,
A curious creature named Zazu discovered a most wonderful day.
He found a fantastical flower, with petals of pink and purple hue, that bloomed only once a year, and smelled sweetly of wonder and "whew!"
Was this written by AI?

In a land where colors twirl and swirl, there lived a little whirligig named Whirly Pearl. With a twinkle in her eye and a spin in her curl, she danced with joy, the happiest girl in the world. But one day, the sky turned gray, and Whirly Pearl's colors began to fade away. With determination in her heart, she set out to find the source of this gloom, spreading love and laughter to brighten every corner of her whimsical world.
Was this written by AI?

There once was a girl who was bored of her toys, She whined and she hollered, made all sorts of noise. But then she discovered the joy of a book, And her whole gloomy outlook took a new look!

The words seemed to frolic and dance on each page, Her boredom departed, she entered a new age. She traveled to strange worlds of wizards and beasts, Her mind was awakened to fanciful feasts!

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