Bitchin Survivor 2 Application
An Application for Bitchin Survivor 2. The Board link can be found here:
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Name *
Age *
Location/Time Zone *
Email *
Have you played an org before? If so, list a few. *
Where did you hear about us?
Other than winning, what is something you hope to accomplish while playing Bitchin Survivor 2? *
What is your astrology sign, and do you feel it accurately describes who you are? Why or why not? *
If you had to make a short Tinder bio about yourself, what would it say? *
What do you think are your best and worst qualities? *
Have you read & agreed to the rules of the game? The rules can be found here: *
Please pick 6 Cast Members as options for your alias. Let me know if you have a preference of who to play. The Cast list is linked here: *
Anything else you'd like to add?
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