2023 Teachers of Excellence - Support Form
Be mindful that Teachers of Excellence nominees will be evaluated based on the 8 categories of excellence that have been created for this program (see the TOE website for further explanation).  Therefore, support letters should include specific examples that demonstrate the different categories being exhibited in the teaching activities of the nominee.

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Your Name: *
Teacher you are writing in support of: *
1. What makes this teacher a “Teacher of Excellence”?  Please highlight your experience with the nominated teacher, providing specific examples of how the teacher: a) Shares their faith and lives the Mission of the Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools. b) Establishes clear expectations for academic excellence in the classroom and promotes the regular achievement of it by their students. c) Builds supportive relationships with students, parents and others in his/her efforts to foster growth and learning within the students entrusted to them. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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