Zoning Project Feedback: Crafton Borough
Please share your thoughts on the following questions. All comments received will inform Crafton Borough's draft Zoning Ordinance, which will shape land use, development and redevelopment for years to come. Thank you!
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The Crafton Zoning update will not have major changes to the single-family-home sections of the community, also called the R-1 district. But, one change being considered is allowing a limited number of small shops or services in the district. 

Should the new zoning law allow a small yoga studio or a coffee shop in the single-family district? Those shops would have limitations on things like size, signage types, and hours. 

Should the zoning law allow smaller lots to have townhomes that match the look of adjacent homes? 

The district near the busway station on Crennel will become what is called a Transit Oriented Development district. This district is very walkable, and many people travel through this area on their way to other places, often commuting via the busway. The goal is to provide shops and services, and/or residential options to commuters or residents. It is a great way to encourage people to spend their money and/or choose to live in the Borough. 

What type of development would you like to see in this historic area of the Borough?

What would you like to see happen at the Crafton Ingram Shopping Center in the long term?
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