r/TeslaMotors "Fun Shakeup Experiment" Poll

The experiment will end on March 23rd, feel free to answer questions early.  We may incorporate new questions later.
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Do you find the Daily Megathreads useful?
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If the daily megathreads went away, what would you prefer happen with Questions and Answers?
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Do you feel we should allow more Rule 1 content (sightings, deliveries, custom vehicles, quick questions, etc.) and leave it to community voting?
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What Rule 1 photo content should be allowed? (Select all that apply)
How should we handle reposts?
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Do you report posts that are against sub-specific rules?
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How do you typically sort posts?
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Direct image posts are often a violation of Rule 1 as low effort content. Should we change the settings of the sub to disallow direct image posts? (This method has improved the content on r/cars, however some image posts are popular in r/teslamotors. Image links would still be allowed in text posts.)
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Should we require more work for submissions to encourage higher-quality posts? (Examples are the [Discussion] tag requirement and the minimum character length requirement)?
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During this rules experiment have you felt that the number of reposts have increased too dramatically?
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Do you feel that the community overall has done a good job in voting properly and within reason during the experiment?
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What percentage of the the content would you prefer to be "Professional" in nature  (News, Articles, Comparisons, High-Quality Content) compared to personal content (Personal stories, videos, photos, etc.)?
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Select the % of content you prefer to be "Flexible" in nature.  (Memes, Content Reposts, potentially popular or unique content, but usually against a rule)
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Who is your favorite Moderator? (Select all that apply) (this is for fun)
If there's something you could change about r/TeslaMotors, what would it be? *
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