North Peace MB Church Marriage Resume Form
Thank you for your interest in marriage mentoring. To do the best match with mentee couples, each partner should fill out this marriage resume. So, if you’re the organized one, send your partner the link to this page.
This form helps us pair you with a mentee couple. The answers don’t need to be too long but enough to get to know you better. Once we receive both your forms we will be ready for the next steps: a short interview and reference check. 


Diana Mohninger (
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First Name *
Last Name *
Address (#, Street Name, City, Postal Code) *
Phone *
How long have you been married? *
What is your anniversary date? *
Were you previously married? *
What is your occupation? *
Rate your marital relationship satisfaction on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high): *
Low satisfaction
High satisfaction
If you have children, what are their names and ages?
Why are you interested in mentoring? *
Briefly describe your relationship. *
How would you rate your spiritual life? 1=nonexistent to 10=strong and healthy *
Strong and healthy
Describe your spiritual journey. *
Do you attend a church? *
Describe your marriage. *
What will make you a particularly good marriage mentor (note any skills, education, life experience, challenges you've overcome, etc.)? *
We want to be wise and prayerful in matching mentor with mentee couples. To help with that process, what are some things we should know about you (interests, job, hobbies, quirks etc.)? *
Have you attended a Mentor Training session? *
If you have not yet attended a Mentor training session would you agree to attend one?
Clear selection
Do you agree to be interviewed by Mentoring leaders? *
References are people that you know well. Only one person needs to complete this section. If you are not that person, please just write "see other form" for each question.
Reference # 1 (Name, email, phone) *
Reference # 2 (Name, email, phone) *
Reference # 3 (Name, email, phone) *
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