Damaru Foundation : Pay-What-You-Can Donation Form
Hello - Welcome to Damaru Family! We are grateful to you for your kind donation. A special thank you, in advance, from everyone who you will be supporting through your donation. Physical, mental and emotional wellness is crucial in today's times than ever and helping someone get the benefit of that is a noble contribution.
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About Damaru Foundation
Damaru Foundation is a public trust founded by Damaru Yoga and Sound Therapy Studio with the aim to promote and implement traditional Yogic Sciences in the current times and increase awareness about wellness and harmony in the society, while primarily focusing on serving that segment of our society who are in dire need of support for their holistic wellbeing but cannot afford it. Contributions to Damaru Foundation are used towards a plethora of activities, that focus on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of individuals, groups, schools etc
Full Name *
Mobile number With country code (Whatsapp) *
Full Permanent Address *
Current City and Country of Residence *
for e.g. Mumbai, India
Nationality *
>> Please ensure you mention your FULL NAME in your payment description while making the payment. This is crucial for our reference.

>> All Indian Nationals are required to do a bank transfer to Damaru Foundation:
-Bank details : Cosmos Bank/ Branch: Paldi/ Account Name: DAMARU FOUNDATION/ Account number: 052100103599/
IFSC: COSB0000052

Please mention the name of the specific programme for which you are contributing. For e.g. Introduction to Vedanta Course OR Bilva Annual Yoga Festival OR Tattva Bodha OR any other. 

If you are contributing for no specific programme, please mention that too :)
Please enter the amount you choose to contribute towards the Damaru Foundation (along with the currency) *
For e.g. INR 1001/ USD 21/ GBP 21 and so on
Please enter the unique transaction reference number (UTR) of your online transaction. This is crucial for our audit against the bank entries.   *
You can find the UTR of your transaction when you complete your payment process as well as in your transaction acknowledgement receipt from your bank.
Please choose a segment(s) from below, for which you would prefer your contribution to be used by the foundation. *
How Did You Know About Us? *
If you have any specific comments, please add here.
Thank you again. We are grateful for your contribution to Damaru Foundation!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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