R-Ladies Abstract/Scholarship Review Request
We'd like to encourage R-Ladies to apply for conference speaking slots and funding opportunities by giving feedback on various types of R-related abstracts and applications prior to submission. If you'd like to request feedback for an abstract or scholarship application for a specific conference, please submit the form below and we'll get in touch! Your personal information will only be used and shared as necessary for communication about the abstract review process.

The following will help make the most of both your and our volunteer reviewers’ time:

- Please request feedback no later than three weeks before your conference deadline. Depending on availability and demand, it can take some time to find a reviewer, in addition to the time our reviewer needs to give feedback and that you will need in order to incorporate their comments. We will try, but cannot guarantee, to accommodate requests submitted within fewer than three weeks of a conference deadline.

- Please provide the link to the specific conference for which you are submitting your abstract or application. This will enable our reviewers to understand your audience and access any other information they need.

- We have found it easiest if applicants submit their abstracts or applications in a Google Doc, with permissions enabled so that our reviewers can leave comments.
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Name *
Email *
Link to conference or session web site
Conference name *
Conference abstract or scholarship application deadline
Conference type (examples) *
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