American Heritage Sporting Club Application for Membership
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American Heritage Sporting Club exists to provide families with amazing outdoor adventures that create lasting memories and build strong bonds.  We currently manage close to 4,500 acres in the Texas Hill Country located between Menard and Junction, Texas.   Our Lodges, Cabins, RV and camping areas combined with lakes, rivers and ponds create an atmosphere our members enjoy year after year. Come hunt our managed lands for whitetails, exotics, pigs, predators, upland gamebirds, turkey, waterfowl and more.... If you are looking for a faith based family friendly place to make memories in the great outdoors.....
you have found your home.

Gary Johnson AHSC Chairman
Gary Smith AHSC Vice-Chairman
David Williams AHSC - Secretary

To Contact AHSC please call 866-567-7247
Your application and refundable deposit are required to be considered a future member of the American Heritage Sporting Club. Should you have any questions or comments please call us at 866-567-7247
Name *
Address *
Phone number
Do you currently know a member of AHSC? If so, who? 
Describe you and your family and why you would like to be an American Heritage Sporting Club Member. 
We Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the American Heritage Sporting Club. 

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