Illinois Junior Academy of Science                     2025 Presidents Research Grant Application
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Grant Information

Students must complete the application and submit it. 
This year the sponsors will receive a confirmation email to submit their approval. 


Many scientifically adventurous students can be hindered or restricted in pursuing research or design due to limited financial resources. The Board of Directors of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science and their generous donors support students’ efforts by providing grants of up to $250 per year, per project.

This grant is open to all students of an IJAS member school who intend to participate in the Illinois Junior Academy of Science State Exposition in Illinois. Any student, with sponsor support, can apply for the reimbursement of purchased materials. Though the primary focus of this award is to increase the opportunity to purchase needed supplies required to conduct an experiment, the student may apply for funding for equipment and other materials. Consideration is given more heavily to projects with reusable equipment. All reusable equipment purchased and submitted under this grant will become the property of the school and school sponsor.

- The student’s school or club must be a member of IJAS when the student submits the grant.

 - The student who applies for a Presidents’ Grant must have presented their project/research at an IJAS Regional Fair, ultimately aiming to be among their IJAS region’s quota for the State Exposition.

- Students are eligible to apply for this grant more than once, however, they may apply only once per year.

 - Only one application per project is permitted.

 - Any equipment purchased must not be available, or be insufficient in quantity, in the student’s school.

- This grant will not cover expenses related to travel, project display, phone calls, or literature research. 

- All materials - non-consumables, consumables, equipment, lab ware, and so forth will become the property of the sponsoring school or club.

- Receipts need to be scanned, placed into a google document. That document needs to be shareable. A link to that document will be submitted below. Applications without receipts will not be considered. 

Application Deadline:  Grant Applications will be accepted until midnight on April 15, 2025.  

Grant Award Process:

Determination of grant awards is made by the president elect, the president, treasurer, and the immediate past president of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science.  All grant awardees will be contacted by email. Grants will be awarded in the student's name but given to the sponsors at the IJAS Annual Banquet on May 3rd Decatur Conference Center at 6:30pm.

Sponsors will relinquish the checks to the students once they receive and are in possession of the reusable equipment. 

Student Name *
Student Email *
Sponsor's Name *
Sponsor email *
IJAS School # *
School Name *
School Address (check will be mailed to the sponsor) *
School City, State & Zip *
Amount requested *
Project Title *
Purpose Statement *
Summary of Experimental Procedure *
Materials List with expenses (amounts must match submitted receipts) *
Copy and paste a sharable link to a google document containing a copy of all receipts.  *
Do you verify that this project was completed and submitted to an IJAS Regional Fair completing this project to the best of your abilities.  

Do you agree that any equipment, supplies, and/or other materials will become the property of the school after the project is completed, if the grant is awarded.  

Do you further agree that if this grant is requesting funding for equipment that the equipment required is not already available at the school, or that insufficient quantities exist at the school.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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