QEP Online Qommunity
Are you dreaming, planting, and tending visions of a queer ecological future? Are you looking to connect with kindred spirits in your region and across the country?

Emails from this list will be added regularly to our QEP Qommunity listserve. We send out updates 3-4 times a year, and others in the network also occasionally use it to share information about campaigns and common topics of interest.

Looking forward to seeing you around the Qommunity!

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Email *
What is your name? *
Gender pronouns
Email address *
Where are you located? Is there a particular region you consider yourself part of? *
Are you part of a QEP node? *
How do you identify?
Your self-description could involve race/ class/ gender/ sex/ heritage/ sexuality/ ability/ age/ whatever is most important for you in defining yourself today. As an org that explicitly centers QTPOC, Two-Spirit, Undocuqueer, Trans, Gender Non-Conforming, and folks with disabilities this question is to help us identify who is "in the room"...
Do you identify with any of these descriptions?
Why this question? These are some of our priorities for future collaborations and building leadership, and so we're interested in who we are reaching. THIS QUESTION IS TOTALLY OPTIONAL. Please do not feel any pressure to select anything that feels uncomfortable to share. We hope that we will get to know more about you and these things overtime rather than just relying on a clunky online survey. In the following statements, the term "queer" is used as an umbrella term (as ill-fitting as that is....)
Is there anything you want to share with us?
Are there books, articles, poems, videos and more that you want us to add to the list? Groups or projects that you think we should be connecting with and/or sharing with others? Do you have thoughts or feedback based on what you've read from us so far?
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