23-24 JMS Career Speaker Interest (March 28)
As part of our Post-Secondary Planning course at JMS, we are looking for people who are willing to visit with a group of students about their career and the pathway they took to get there. We are looking for people in all industries & careers as we would like to give our students information about a wide range of opportunities available to them.  Everyone has a story to tell and we know our students can benefit from hearing yours! We would also like to be able to show them many career options within one field (ex: healthcare, law, military, etc).

If you are interested in participating in this on March 28, please fill out this Google Form with your information and we will get into contact with you regarding all of the details. If there are multiple people within a presenting group, please just fill this out for one contact person. If you have any questions, please contact Abbey Moomaw, Kayla Lunn, or Carlie Fitzgerald, school counselors at Johnston Middle School at 515-278-1544 or 515-278-0476.

Thank you for helping us support the career development of our students, we look forward to getting these started soon!
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First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Please give a brief description of your job (1-2 sentences).  This will be used to communicate to students what they will learn about during your presentation.
Email Address
Phone Number
Have you been a speaker with us in the past (select all that apply)?
Please provide an address we can send you a thank you card!
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