24/25 Season High School $10 Ticket Form
Our goal is for every student in the greater New Haven area to have seen a show at the Shubert by the end of their high school career.

A limited number of $10 tickets are available for select Broadway tour shows at the Shubert. Tickets will be located in the balcony.  

Ticket order MUST be placed by a teacher or staff member with a school email address.  Chaperone tickets are also $10.  No more than one adult per 10 students.

For more information about the shows: https://www.shubert.com/

After filling out this form, a member of our staff will contact you to complete your ticket contract, including payment options.
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Email (MUST be a school email) *
Secondary email (optional)
First Name

Last Name *
Phone number  *
Name of School *
Number of Students *
Number of Adults *
In which grades are the students? *
Which show would you like to attend? *
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