The Industrial Technology Program desires to follow up with its graduates. To help assess how we are doing and to provide data for the reaccreditation process through the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) we request that our graduates complete the Alumni Survey. This survey is completely voluntary and helps the Industrial Technology faculty to keep track of students as they advance in their careers. The questionnaire also gives graduates an opportunity to provide much needed information regarding the Industrial Technology programs, such as suggestions for improvement. The questionnaire should take less than 5 minutes to complete and will provide us with very valuable information. Thank you.
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Current employment position:
Current place (company/organization) of employment:
Starting salary:
Months or years with current employer:
Are you a graduate of
Have you received a promotion since obtaining your degree? (Please note: Promotion can also be a result of change in employer.)
Clear selection
If your answer to the preceding question was yes, what do you attribute the promotion? (You may select more than one answer)
Have you engaged in professional development by pursuing a graduate degree or professional certification?
Clear selection
If your answer to the preceding question was yes, please indicate:
Please rate your skills and knowledge in the following
Technical and Management
Clear selection
Written and Oral Communication
Clear selection
Analytical and Problem Solving
Clear selection
Staying Current in Your Field
Clear selection
The Industrial Technology Program has developed common competencies and program outcomes for the four concentrations (Computer Technology, Electronics Systems Technology, Emergency Management Technology, and Technology Management). Please rate the necessity of these competencies and educational outcomes for our graduates’ employability skills and performance in the workplace. The rating options are assigned the point values as: 5 = Essential; 4 = Very Necessary; 3 = Necessary; 2 = Useful but not Necessary; 1 = Unnecessary.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please consider each item separately, and rate each item independently of all others.
Technical Knowledge and Skills
Clear selection
Analytical, Critical Thinking, and Communication Skills
Clear selection
Research and Continuous Learning Skills
Clear selection
Validation of Program Outcomes, Computer Technology
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve novel computer problems
Clear selection
An ability to manage and maintain computer networks
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An ability to use modern techniques, skills, and tools, including computer-based tools for analysis and design
Clear selection
An ability to apply knowledge of technology to the analysis of electronics/computer problems
Clear selection
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in continuing professional development and life-long learning
Clear selection
An ability to stay current on issues
Clear selection
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Clear selection
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Clear selection
An ability to convey technical material through oral presentation and interaction with an audience
Clear selection
An ability to convey technical material through formal written papers/reports which satisfy accepted standards for writing style
Clear selection
Validation of Program Outcomes, Electronics Systems Technology
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve novel electronic system problems
Clear selection
An ability to manage and maintain computer networks
Clear selection
An ability to use modern techniques, skills, and tools, including electronic based tools for analysis and design
Clear selection
An ability to apply knowledge of technology to the analysis of electronics/computer problems
Clear selection
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in continuing professional development and life-long learning
Clear selection
An ability to stay current on issues
Clear selection
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Clear selection
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Clear selection
An ability to convey technical material through oral presentation and interaction with an audience
Clear selection
An ability to convey technical material through formal written papers/reports which satisfy accepted standards for writing style
Clear selection
Validation of Program Outcomes, Emergency Management Technology
Be familiar with and know how to fill out standardized matrices used to determine risk, based upon hazard frequency, hazard severity and community vulnerability.
Clear selection
Be familiar with the different components of emergency management mitigation, preparedness response and recovery plans and be able to write a complete set of plans for a community or organization.
Clear selection
Have knowledge and application of hazard identification, risk assessment, and impact analysis.
Clear selection
An ability to apply knowledge of Emergency Management Direction, Control, & Coordination.
Clear selection
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in continuing professional development and life-long learning.
Clear selection
An ability to stay current on issues
Clear selection
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Clear selection
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
Clear selection
An ability to clearly understand laws, authorities, continuity of operations & government.
Clear selection
An ability to convey effective communications (written and oral), multiple agencies, communities and all stakeholders.
Clear selection
Validation of Program Outcomes, Technology Management
An ability to identify roles of management and compliance of federal & state safety guidelines and evaluate and control safe and healthy working conditions
Clear selection
An ability to apply techniques to optimize resources, usage, reduce cost, and solve problems for continuous improvement in a technical environment
Clear selection
An ability to Perform production scheduling, develop and monitor an inventory control system, utilize appropriate production planning techniques, and identify and exhibit key factors in project management
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An ability to Evaluate and/or implement total quality systems in industry
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An ability to apply business, marketing and economic principles to solve problems.
Clear selection
Ability to stay current on issues
Clear selection
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Clear selection
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Clear selection
An ability to identify responsibility of supervision and management within various industries
Clear selection
An ability to demonstrate communications skills, safe and efficient individual and group work habits, leadership within groups and an attitude of cooperation and tolerance
Clear selection
Please also list your recommendations (1-3) for the overall improvements of our Program.
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