SOG MRG - User Survey
We invite you to provide feedback to help us shape the evolving Strait of Georgia Marine Reference Guide (SOG MRG) Beta version interactive map. Particularly,  after gathering some insights into your motivation for using the SOG MRG, we will be requesting feedback on things such as interface functionality or potential data layer alterations.

The SOG MRG Beta version interactive map is designed to help educate and inform your interactions with the sea. Explore data for ecological, anthropogenic, and oceanographic categories pulled from diverse sources. Link from layers in the map to the Strait of Georgia Data Centre Marine Data BC portal to access data downloads and metadata. Use the SOG MRG to influence your decision making in a way unique to you or your organizations needs, and tell us how we can improve the experience via this feedback form.

Contact us directly with any questions you have about the map at (care to: Ben Skinner, Project Coordinator)

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