General Volunteer Module 8 - Urban Search and Rescue
Virtual Delivery for Credit
Watch the material below and complete the knowledge check for module credit. A passing score is 80% or better.
If you would like to review the slide deck for Urban Search and Rescue Basics you can find it HERE
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First Name *
What is the goal of Mass Rescue Operations? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
Any Search and Rescue consists of what 3 separate operations? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
When considering a Rescue, decisions are based on what three factors? (Check all that apply)
10 points
Check all the steps to a  9 Step Continual Size-up. (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What are the standard variations of building damage? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What are the Characteristics of Light Damage? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What are the Characteristics of Moderate Damage? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What are the Characteristics of Heavy Damage? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What is true about Lightly Damaged structures? *
10 points
What is true about Heavily Damaged structures? *
10 points
What is true about Moderately Damaged structures? *
10 points
After developing a plan of action, and then executing that plan of action, what is your next step? *
10 points
What are the 3 types of structural voids? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
Examples of Individual Voids where survivors may be located in are? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What it the process for USAR Search Markings upon entry of a structure.  *
10 points
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What it the process for USAR Search Markings upon exiting a searched structure.  *
10 points
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Elements for a USAR operation include what of the following methodology? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
Interior searches will be conducted in which maner? *
10 points
Standard exterior search pattern types include? (Check all that apply) *
10 points
What is a searchers sweep width? *
10 points
What is true about sweep width? (Check all that appl *
10 points
What kind of search pattern is pictured below? *
10 points
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What kind of search pattern is pictured below? *
10 points
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True or False? A triangulated search, with lights, is an appropriate initial searching method? *
10 points
True or False? Patient Packaging is the process of placing a patient in a devices, or system of devices, to move patient to a higher level of care. *
10 points
Some patient packaging considerations are: (Check all that apply) *
10 points
Common patient movement devices are: (Check all that apply) *
10 points
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