PlannerFest / JournalFest / StatoneryFest Expression of Interest (Workshop/Presentation)
If you have a unique and exclusive workshop or presentation idea you would like to bring to PlannerFest/JournalFest/StationeryFest 2025 please complete this form and let us know you are interested!
If you have multiple ideas you wish to submit please number and list the different ideas clearly in this question: 'Please describe your idea in detail here.' OR if you prefer, please complete a separate form for each idea.
Please note that you may not hear back from us immediately but we will be back in touch as soon as we can a little closer to the event!
If you have any questions or would like to discuss ideas, please email

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Email *
Name *
Instagram handle *
What format do you have in mind?  *
Please describe your idea in detail here. Please include the aims/outcome of the session, how long the session will be, any materials required, any limit to numbers, etc.
The timings are flexible at this time, however, we are ideally looking for short presentations of 20 minutes, or workshop sessions of 30-40 minutes. 
We are looking for original, unique and exclusive content. Do you confirm that you are not speaking at any other European planner event within 6 months of the event date and that this session has not run before at another event and will not be repeated in the near future? Please contact us if you are unsure. *
Speakers and presenters will generally receive a free VIP ticket to PlannerFest/JournalFest. Please detail any other fees, costs, and expenses payable for the session. *
We would expect all speakers and workshop hosts to let their followers know that they are participating in the event, in the lead up to the event to help us to spread the word. Would this be OK with you? *
If we cannot accommodate you for 2025, would you like to be considered for 2026?  *
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