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ข้อสอบมีทั้งหมด 10 ข้อ
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ข้อ 1-10  Choose  a few / few /a little / little จงเลือก  a few / few /a little / little ลงในประโยคให้ถูกต้อง
อ่านประโยคในข้อ 1-10 แล้วเขียนตอบคำตอบที่ดีที่สุด
Peter  buys...........cans of coke in 7/11.
1 point
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There are..................students in theclassroom. *
1 point
There is .................beef in the bag *
1 point
A.................birds are flying  over the tree. *
1 point
There is.....................milk in the glass *
1 point
There  is................cheese  on the bread. *
1 point
Every day She eats....................oranges. *
1 point
There are.................dogs  in the cage. *
1 point
I have ..........................orange juice. *
1 point
Could  I have.............sugar on my coffee,please? *
1 point
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