Kindthing Brand Rep Application 2023
Are you ready to support a new brand with the mission of making better, more eco-friendly pajamas accessible to everyone? Join our next cohort of Kindthing Brand reps.

Our brand reps will get access to exclusive (MAJOR) discounts on new prints, early access, free product and samples, behind the scenes access, and the chance to learn from our founder, Laura, the co-founder of (a business with over 3M+ daily users who are excited to live eco-friendly lives).

Before applying, please understand you must be willing to provide quality photography skills – you do not need to be a professional photographer but we are looking for high quality photos to use and share on our website and social media accounts. You must have a highly engaged, public account with at least 400 Instagram followers (NOTE: this might be waived in the future, if you're under this number, apply anyway!) If your account is private, we will not be able to see your photos.  If you don’t want to make your account public, please ask us to follow you.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Email *
Link to your social account(s) *
Name and ages of your kiddo(s) *
Why would you like to be a Kindthing rep? How familiar are you with our brand? No wrong answers here, just let us get to know you a bit! *
Check the box below if you agree:
If I am accepted as a brand rep, I will read and sign the Brand Rep agreement form that is sent over to me after my application is approved.
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