Linux Sysadmin Decal Midsemester Survey
Hey everyone! We hope you are enjoying the decal so far! Please let us know your thoughts below so we can continue improving it in the future. While we may not be able to implement all suggestions before the end of the semester, we will do our best to take your comments into consideration.

If you fill out this form, you'll be able to get an extra late lab!
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What section of the course are you in? *
How effective is lecture for learning? *
Confused and lost
Understood the high level concept and enough to get started on the lab
Do you have any comments about any specific lectures or possible improvements?
How effective are lab assignments for learning? *
Consistently lost and stuck
Gained enough hands-on experience to do it again and continue independently
Do you have any comments about any specific labs or possible improvements?
Do you go to live lab? *
If you answered yes, do you have any comments/suggestions for improving live lab? If not, what can we do to make attending more worthwhile?
How do you feel about the workload considering this is a 2 unit course? *
Too little work
Too much work
How do you feel about the amount of material in each topic? *
Too little material
Too much material
How worthwhile is the course material? *
Not worthwhile
Very worthwhile
Are the forms of communication effective this semester? *
Email, Slack, etc.
No idea what was happening
Very much in the loop
Are DeCal staff friendly and helpful? *
Any *positive* interactions with a particular facilitator?
Give a shoutout!
Any *negative* interactions with a particular facilitator?
How likely would you be to recommend this DeCal to a friend? *
Not gonna happen
I already told all my friends
Is there a topic you wanted us to cover that we didn't?
Any ideas on how we could better utilize class time?
Any ideas on how we could improve administratively?
Leave any other general feedback or comments here!
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