The Highlands Leaders Program
The Highlands Leaders Program will provide elite leadership development training as well as inter-county networking opportunities and community impact projects that will benefit the citizens of the Highlands region. The leadership development content will be a fully immersive leadership development experience that will require attendance at the in-person meetings (quarterly) and homework to drive home how to apply the information to their specific roles and careers. All applications are processed on a first come, first served basis and will be capped to (2) professionals per county per industry sector.

Program Duration: August 1, 2023- December 31, 2024
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First Name of Applicant *
Last Name of Applicant *
Applicant Email *
Company Name *
Company Address *
Company Phone Number *
Current Title of Applicant *
Industry Sector *
Dietary restrictions *
I understand that the acceptance of this individual application is on a first come, first serve basis based on industry sector. Should this individual be accepted to the program, the cost of the program will be invoiced for the year on day of acceptance (If you would like monthly billing, that can be accomodated). *
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