subject verb agreement mcq 5(weda sv mcq 5)
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1. Gopal ----- to the park every day.
1 point
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2.The message between the lines ----- that we need to finish before Monday.
1 point
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3.Ramu and her brothers ------ at school.
1 point
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4.Bread and butter --------- my favourite food.
1 point
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5.Bread and butter------- sold here at the lowest price
1 point
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6. A black and white cat ----- killed two rats.
1 point
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7.Either my shoes or your coat ------ always on the floor.
1 point
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8.There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
1 point
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9.No smoking or drinking ----- allowed.
1 point
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10.Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
1 point
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