Bumpus Bystander Reporting Form
The Bystander Reporting Form is a way for students to report incidents of Bullying, Drugs/Alcohol, Weapons or Hurtful Acts to the Bumpus Administration and Counselors. The Bystander Button can be completed anonymously.  
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Your grade level *
Type of Incident *
Who is the victim? If more than one victim, include all names. *
Who is the perpetrator (person doing wrong)? If more than one person, include all names. *
Time and Date of the incident
Please describe the incident (give all details). *
Is this an ongoing problem or a one time incident? *
Location incident occurred? *
Have you reported this incident to anyone yet? If so, to whom? (teacher, parent, etc.) *
Your name (Optional)
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This form was created inside of Hoover City Schools. Report Abuse