What does an Engineering manager
I have few questions about the Engineering manager role, can fill this form? It's totally for my personal usage.

Questions are in English but feel free to answer in French

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How many years of experience in the IT do you have?
Since when you are Engineering manager?
What is your daily basis at this position?
How many people do you have in your team?
Why did you get this position?
Do you have any carrer path? If yes expose it if possible, if no, explain why?
What do your managers expect of you?
What do your managers expect from them?
What is the most appreciate part of your job?
What is the most difficult part of your job?
What advice would you give to people who are interested in your job?
What advice would you give to yourself when starting out in this position?
What did you do wrong that you would like to change or do differently?
Other details or information to add
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