Chronicler Annual Report
Local Group Chroniclers reports are due annually to arrive prior to December 31st. 
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Group Name *
Group Status *
Local Chronicler Information
Please answer the following. 
SCA Name *
SCA Title *
Member Number and Expiration *
Date Office Assumed *
Warrant Expiration Date *
Legal Name *
Street address *
City/ State/ Zip *
Phone Number *
Office Email *
Local Deputy
Please add Deputy's Information
SCA Name *
SCA Title *
Member Number and Expiration *
Legal Name *
Newsletter Information
Please answer the following questions
Does your group publish a newsletter *
Name of Newsletter *
Number of issues per year *
How is it distributed? *
Do you charge for the newsletter? *
If Yes, How much per year? *
Do you send a copy of each issue to the Deputy for Local Groups?  *
Does your group Publish a group directory? *
Number of times per year *
How was it published? *
Do you charge for the directory? *
If yes, how much per year *
Does your group have a web site?  *
URL: *
Web Ministers SC Name *
Comments/ Concerns *
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