queer yoga
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Name / Naam *
Pronouns / voornaamwoorden *
Email adres + phone number
Yoga experience / ervaring *
It doesn't matter at all, I just want to make sure I offer a class that's accessible for everyone joining, knowning in advance helps me to prepare a sequence + options for everyone joining
Recent injuries / surgeries / other medical things that could be useful for me to know. / Recente blessures / operaties / andere medische dingen die voor mij handig zijn om vooraf te weten.
I'm asking this just to make sure again I can adjust my class to everyone there and to prepare options in advance. If there is anything you need / want to help you feel comfortable, like a spot close by the door / in the back of the room / being there some time in advance to settle in, also please let me know here.
Lastly, if there's anything you want to let me know of or ask, please feel free to tell me in the box below. If you think of something later, I'd be happy to answer any questions through Whatsapp (quickest way to reach me) or through email.
Date / datum
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