BB Tabletop - Magic Item Play and Feedback Form
Tell me which item you used, who you gave it to, and how it went!
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First of all, hi! What's your name?
Name of Magic Item Used *
Name of Character who received or used the item?
What was the character's Race, Class(es), and Level when they received the item? If this was a general item used by the party, what was the Party Level? *
If this was a consumable item such as a potion, how many did you give to your players?
Did they ever use the item? If yes, how did they use it? Did they use it in any interesting ways that you weren't expecting? *
Did the player(s) enjoy having or using the item? *
Did the DM (which I assume is you) enjoy having the item in the game? *
Did you feel that the item was under or over powered? Or did it feel well balanced? *
Did you make any changes to the item rules to better fit within your game? If so, what changes were made? *
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill this out! If there's anything else you would like to share about your experience using this item or about your party, I'd absolutely love to hear it.
Also, I plan to run a kickstarter to make these magic items into an actual deck later in the year. Would you be interested in receiving an email about that when it happens? If so, just add your email address below. You will receive 1 email when the kickstarter is launched and that is it.
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