Join the ESCS PTA! Unase a la PTA! Junte-se ao PTA!
Membership is free! If you wish to donate, find instructions at the bottom of this form
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La ESCS PTA (Asociacion de Padres de la escuela ESCS) le ofrece membresía gratis. Hacemos mucha obra para ayudar a estudiantes y maestros. Para asociarse, siga este enlace en Español: Gracias
A ESCS PTA (Associação de Pais da escola ESCS) oferece-lhe uma adesão gratuita. Trabalhamos muito para ajudar alunos e professores. Para participar, siga este link em portugues:  Obrigado.
Fòm sa a an Kreyòl:
Adult's name or names *
Phone #
Preferred communication method
Preferred language
ESCS affiliation
What grade is your student in?
You can choose multiple grades if you have more than one student at ESCS.
Are you interested in volunteering in any of the following areas? Even a few hours will help! (Activities will be virtual until school re-opening plans include in-person attendance.)
Levels of Support
Help offset the cost of our PTA's dues to the Massachusetts and National PTAs, and support our work on behalf of ESCS staff, students, and families, by becoming a PTA Booster, Sponsor, or Champion!

PTA Booster - $10 per adult member

PTA Sponsor - $25 per adult member

PTA Champion - $50 per adult member

Contributions can be made via PayPal at or by mailing a check payable to ESCS PTA to East Somerville Community School, ATTN: ESCS PTA, 50 Cross Street, Somerville, MA 02145
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