Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health Services Interest Form
Thank you for your inquiry! Kindly note CAECMH is currently at capacity. To be added to our waitlist, please fill out the following questions in as much detail as possible so that we will know how best to serve your needs. You will be contacted by the clinic coordinator after receipt of this form to discuss services, potential scheduling, and fees. 

Any questions or concerns about the information below can be directed to the Center for Clinical Services team at
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New Client Name (First and Last): *
Client's Age: 
Date of Birth:
Guardian Name(s):
We typically respond to your inquiry through email. Can the clinical coordinator email you?
If yes, what is your email?
Primary Phone Number:
Secondary Phone Number (optional):
Can we leave a voice message?
Reason(s) for seeking services:
Are you seeking a comprehensive assessment or evaluation (i.e. cognitive, academic, behavioral, social/emotional or any other areas of functioning)? 
How did you hear about our center services? Were you referred by someone?
Are you a MSU student, alumni, or employee? 
Any other information you would like to include?
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