First Student Bus Rider Rules & Expectations
Please complete this form for your student(s) riding the bus. If you have multiple children, please list each child's name and grade below. This form is required to be completed by August 31, 2022. * A copy of the Bus Rider Rules & Expectations can also be found the TSD website under First Student Transportation.
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Student(s) First & Last Name and Grade: *
Parent/Guardian completing form: *
Parent/Guardian Email:
1. The driver is in full charge of the bus and passengers. Passengers must comply with the driver promptly and courteously and be respectful at all times. Never interfere with the driver’s ability to drive safely. *
2. Zero tolerance policy for:  A. Harassment, bullying, or any type of mistreatment to others, including fighting B. Bad language, profanity or obscene gestures C. Excessive or distracting noise D. Throwing items in or out of the bus E. Possession of illegal substances F. Possession of any type of weapon *
3. Students shall observe safe pedestrian practices while walking to and from the bus stop.  Students shall arrive at their designated stop 5 minutes prior to pick up time.  The bus cannot wait for tardy students.  Once the bus starts to move, students must not chase after it.  Students shall wait in an orderly manner and shall respect private property while waiting at a bus stop.  Do not stand or play in the roadway.   *
4. Absolute silence is required when the bus stops at all railroad crossings. *
5. Students must remain in their seats while the bus is in motion.  Drivers are required to keep a seating chart and students are expected to adhere to the assigned seat unless permission is granted by the driver to move.  In addition, when there is a behavioral issue with a student the driver will assign a seat near the front.   *
6. Ordinary conversation level and classroom conduct will be maintained. *
7. Students shall keep the bus clean, aisle clear, do not litter, write on walls, seats, and refrain from causing damage.  Parents of students who cause damage to the bus will be charged for repair. *
8. Students shall ride their assigned bus at all times, unless granted permission by the school or the transportation department. *
9. No smoking, vaping or lighting matches.  No eating or drinking allowed. *
10. No student shall open a bus window without the driver’s permission (then may open the window up to 25%).  No student shall extend their head, arms, hands or other objects out the window. *
11. No objects allowed on the bus that could cause harm to other students, no laser lights or flash cameras or distractions to safety.   *
12. Cell phone or other electronic device use allowed with driver’s permission only.  There will be no pictures taken or video/audio recording at any time.  If students do not follow this rule the driver will confiscate the electronic device and hold on to it for the duration of the ride.  If a student continues to ignore this rule after 3 times the driver will confiscate the device and the parent will have to come to the bus barn to retrieve it during normal business hours. All electronic devices will have the sound off at all times. *
13. First Student will not be held responsible for damage to devices while in our possession. *
14. Students shall have written permission to leave the bus at any stop other than their normal stop or school. *
15. The emergency exits shall not be tampered with, they are for emergency use only. *
16. No skateboards, skis or poles, all bags and instruments must fit in the student’s assigned seat.   *
17. Citations will be issued for misbehavior on the school bus. *
Citations and consequences for misconduct (grade/age will be taken into consideration). Bus suspensions may be jump-stepped at any level depending on circumstances. 1st Citation: Written. 2nd Citation: Phone call to parents. 3rd Citation: 2-day bus suspension. 4th Citation: 5-day bus suspension. 5th Citation: 10-day bus suspension. 6th Citation: Loss of riding privileges for the remainder of the school year. *
Parent/Guardian(s): Please acknowledge the Bus Rider Safety Rules & Expectations above. *
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