AAG/GEOZONe Zine Fair Submission Form
Thanks for your interest in participating in the GEOZONe Zine Fair at the 2025 annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers in Detroit (March 24-28). Everyone is welcome to contribute zines. On this form, you'll be asked to provide some information about the zines you will contribute and how the zines will make their way to Detroit. Please use the space at the bottom of the form for any questions, concerns, or feedback, or, as needed, email us at geozonecollective@protonmail.com.
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Affiliation/Geographic Location/Traditional Place Name
Please describe the zines you are contributing, including the titles, authors, thematic keywords, and number of copies. If you are not the authors of the zines, please ensure you have their permission to submit the zines. For example: 

"What a fucking waste: Stories from the dumpster." Authors: Willow Ross and bin chicken collective. Keywords: waste, radical, activism, geography
15 copies
How will your zines get to Detroit?
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Please note the following: 
If you select the personal transport option, please bring them to the zine fair (location TBD) and add them to the tables. (We will provide more information closer to the date). 

If you select the mail option, we will follow up with the appropriate address to send them. Please send them sooner rather than later so we can be assured they arrive on time. 

If you select the print option, you need to have print ready files and clear assembly instructions. Available printers are B&W on standard office paper. Our ability to print zines in high volume is limited (our budget is presently nonexistant, though that could change]. Please only select this option if the other two are not feasible.

**Regardless of how the zines are getting the AAG, please be sure to provide the requested information about the titles, keywords, and number of copies above to aid in our organizing efforts**
Optional: Would you be willing to help us set up, take down, and/or operate the fair (e.g. checking on tables, restocking, tidying) during the AAG?
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If so, please provide a phone number so we can coordinate on-site.
Questions? Concerns? Feedback? Any other thoughts or feedback on the zine fair are welcome here.
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