Tutoring Program Evaluation - Parent Survey
Please help us make sure our tutoring program is the best it can be by taking a few minutes to give us feedback!
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Please enter your name: *
For each of the statements below, check the box that most accurately reflects your opinion. Feel free to leave any comments in the "Other" option.
In general, I feel that my child benefited from attending the Anchorpoint Tutoring Program. *
The sliding scale at Anchorpoint makes it possible for me to afford tutoring for my child. *
I feel that the tutoring program manager communicates well with parents. *
I am pleased with the guidance and support provided by my child's tutor. *
The program manager and tutors keep me well informed about my child's progress and/or need for further intervention. *
My child's attitude towards school/learning has improved since starting tutoring. *
My child's academic confidence has increased since starting tutoring. *
How has the Anchorpoint Tutoring Program been the most beneficial to your child?
Has the Anchorpoint Tutoring Program supported you as a parent/guardian? If so, how?
Is there anything you feel we could be doing differently to improve the program?
Any additional comments?
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