2022 ECRs in Sustainability Science 青年學者的永續研究

This webinar is organised by the Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group of Future Earth Taipei (Taiwan) for early career researchers to share their research outcomes in relation to sustainability and climate change.

為提供國內外青年學者一個分享研究成果與跨領域交流的平台,『未來地球台北 - Early Career Researchers 工作小組』自2021年起主辦『青年學者的永續研究』線上短講,於周五邀請一位青年學者進行中/英文短講,和大家分享與永續及氣候變遷相關的研究或學術活動,歡迎加入我們的交流與討論。

Future Earth Taipei - Early Career Researchers Working Group 未來地球台北 - ECR 工作小組
Coordinator 召集人:Dr. Wan-Yu Shih 石婉瑜 博士 (shih@mail.mcu.edu.tw)

Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 中研院永續科學中心
Contact 聯絡人:Dr. Dolly Chung 鐘鈺鈞 博士 (dolly0105@gate.sinica.edu.tw)

Organizers /
- ECR working group, Future Earth Taipei
- Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub (GSH) Taipei
- Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica

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網頁 ECR website: https://futureearthtaipeiecr.wordpress.com/
推特 Twitter: https://twitter.com/EarthTP_ECR 
臉書 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FutureEarthTPE/
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Climate model is the major tool to understand climate changes and provide future climate information. The collective work of climate modeling groups all over the world, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), contributes significantly to the scientific basis of the recent 6th IPCC Assessment report (AR6). As a participant in CMIP6, Taiwan Earth System Model version 1 (TaiESM1) has provided simulations for historical warming trends, response to CO2, and future scenarios of shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP), etc.

In this talk, Dr. Wang is going to introduce the development and CMIP6 contribution of TaiESM1 from her participation as a member of development team, its performance and uncertainties compared with other CMIP6 models, and planned downscaling activity focusing on Taiwan.

氣候模式是目前科學界用來了解氣候變遷以及提供未來氣候變遷資訊的重要工具,尤其是國際氣候模式發展團隊共同合作的第六次國際模式比對活動 (CMIP6) 的模擬資料,在最新的 IPCC AR6 報告提供了重要的科學基礎。作為 CMIP6 的參與一員,台灣發展的 TaiESM1 提供的模擬有歷史暖化趨勢,對 CO2 的反應,以及在共享社會經濟路徑的未來氣候變化。王博士將介紹和分享 TaiESM1 的發展歷程和在 CMIP6 的貢獻,在 CMIP6 中模式的表現和暖化的不確定性,以及未來預計提供給在台灣降尺度應用的扮演角色。
講    者 Speaker: Dr. Yi-Chi Wang 王懌琪博士 (中研院環境變遷研究中心研究助技師)
主    持 Host: Dr. Wan-Yu Shih 石婉瑜副教授 (銘傳大學都市規劃與防災學系)
日    期 Date: 24th June 2022
時    間 Time: 16:00 - 17:00 pm (GMT+8)
地    點 Venue: Virtual 線上 (Link will be sent after registration 報名後另外通知視訊連結)
語    言 Language: English 英文

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