MSA Special Collections & Artistic Properties: Photographs, Digital Images, Rights and Permissions
All requests for documents, images, and permissions to reproduce items for publication, exhibition, commercial use, or any purpose from the Maryland State Archives and the Maryland Commission on Artistic Property must be made in writing. Permission for reproduction rights is given on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the Maryland State Archives and the Maryland Commission on Artistic Property.

This order form is for requests up to 6 images. If you require more than 6 images, contact us by email at

When you submit this form, You will receive an email from an MSA archivist to your finalize your order, including a cost estimate. Once approved by you and MSA, the finalized order will be billed using MSA's eInvoice system.

For fee information visit:
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Please provide us with your email address and a daytime phone number where a staff member can reliably follow up with you during our weekday business hours.
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