Nordic Game Discovery Contest: Submission form for DevPlay, online recording on 5 October 2021
Important info:
Please make sure that videos, trailers etc are kept within the time limits specified below and in the NGDC rule-set!

The NGDC Season V Ruleset can be found at the DevPlay event page. Deadline for submissions is 21 September at 11:59 CET.

The contest will be broadcasted during the DevPlay event on 25-26 Ocotber. The qualifier will be recorded on 5 October 2021 (Note! Exact details TBC).

Please also note: By submitting this form, I hereby grant permission to Nordic Game Resources AB to use the submitted info and/or material in promoting the Nordic Game Discovery Contest (NGDC) in all of Nordic Game Resources AB's products and services. I certify that I and/or the entity I represent have all necessary rights of use and publication of the info and/or material. I also grant Nordic Game Resources the right to share the submitted info and/or material with select NGDC sponsors and partners.
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Email *
Full name: *
Company name (studio or team name): *
Company description: *
Website: *
Country: *
Telephone number (include country code): *
Game title: *
Link to game title logo - A postcard format logo, 300 dpi. Used in presentation. *
Game format (choose one option): *
Game genre: *
Game description (50 words or less): *
Development platform (ex. Unity, UE, Flash, Html5, Amazon, etc.): *
Stage of development:
Clear selection
Business Plan (50 words or less): *
Price Point *
Expected age ratings *
Length of gameplay *
Launch platforms *
Links to screenshots (URL): *
Link to gameplay video - A max 1 minute trailer showing in-game footage from the game in development (YouTube URL, mp4 or similar): *
If I get selected, I commit to sending the organisers a link to “Behind the scenes” video - A 30-second mobile phone camera “studio tour” (e.g. walkthrough studio and wave at people, filming interesting stuff while talking). Try to make the audience laugh at least once. *
If I get selected, I commit to sending the organisers a link to "Final Chance” Material - One (1) piece of material (gif, video, screenshots, art etc.) can be used for showcasing the game and swaying the judges in the final round. Be creative and smart! Max lenght 30 sec. *
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