Event Submission
Got an event happening in the June 13-19th date range? Does it have a game or playful culture connection?  Then we'll probably include it in the TGW program and signal boost it! 

To be considered for inclusion in the PRINT program schedule, May 10th is the deadline. You can submit as late as June 1 to be considered for inclusion in the WEB schedule.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Event Name *
Event Date (between June 13-19) *
Event Time *
Event Venue *
Event Description (350 character maximum) *
Event Organizer Contact First Name *
Last Name *
Organizational affiliation(s)? *
Audience *
Email address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Discord Handle
Instagram Handle
if relevant - please include any/all we can tag
X Handle
if relevant - please include any/all we can tag
Mastodon Handle
if relevant - please include any/all we can tag
Facebook Handle
if relevant - please include any/all we can tag
Bluesky Handle
if relevant - please include any/all we can tag
LinkedIn Handle
if relevant - please include any/all we can tag
How did you hear about TGW? *

Code of Conduct


"We want people to come to TGW and participate and thrive no matter their experience, gender identity and expression, disability, sexual orientation, personal appearance, race, ethnicity, body size, age, nationality, or religion. Our Code of Conduct is here.

Toronto Games Week strongly recommends that attendees bring and wear masks. We will have some masks at the door of all events. Each TGW event will have its own rules around COVID-19, and that information will be clearly communicated in advance on this website so people can make informed choices."

Do you share these values?

Is there anything else you want to tell us?
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