Petition for Contraflow Lane on Leland Ave
We propose a contraflow bike lane (i.e., a lane flowing opposite prevailing traffic) heading west along Leland from Western to Virginia, and then north along Virginia from Leland to Lawrence  (see map below). Installation of a contraflow lane would require little more than new street markings and signage along the affected streets.  Many contraflow lanes have already been installed to great success elsewhere in the city: most recently along Glenwood Avenue (pictured below).

At the local level, this portion of Leland Avenue is an important route providing access to the commercial and transit services around the Western Brown Line stop. Pedestrians and cyclists in the area strongly prefer this path to the corresponding route along Lawrence Avenue, which has more car traffic, narrower sidewalks, and no trees. The preference is strong enough that a large number of cyclists already choose  to travel westward (against traffic) along Leland Ave. A contraflow lane would simply legalize this behavior, transforming the existing "desire path" into a safe, sanctioned route.  

At the higher city level,  a contraflow lane would also provide a much needed connection to the south end of the North Channel Trail near the MWRD pumping station. The proposed contraflow lane, together with the Leland Ave Greenway project (from Clark  to the Lakefront Trail), would represent an uninterrupted and low-stress route for cyclists, connecting the North Channel Trail to the Lakefront Trail.

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(Photo: John Greenfield, Streetsblog Chicago)
I support the creation of a contraflow bike lane on Leland and Virginia avenues, as detailed above.
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