Bike Bus Interest Form
We know there are many Kidical Mass families who want to continue the joy of riding together in our communities throughout the school year. 

The Bike Bus movement has taken off around the globe in the last year, and we think HRM is ready for it too! A Bike Bus moves children, youth, and families together through the streets, using active transportation to get to school. Similar to Kidical Mass, there is power in numbers - we know there will be greater safety for those who choose to ride to school if we can join together and do so as a group. With the growing climate crisis, we know the importance of moving around without cars. We are happier and healthier by riding our bikes together, as well as reducing traffic congestion and improve air quality around our schools.  

When you complete this form, we will help to link you with other families in your school area to work together to start your own Bike Bus!

Interested in learning more about the Bike Bus movement?
Check out these links:

***By completing this form you are consenting to Kidical Mass Halifax sharing your email contact with other interested families in your school area.

***Don't have school aged children but want to help volunteer in your local area? Please complete the form too!
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Your Name (As Parent, Caregiver, or Volunteer) *
Email address(s) *
What HRCE Family of schools area are you in? 
(If you're not sure, click here)
*Not at an HRCE School? Please select 'Other' and let us know the name of your school.
What school are you interested in riding a Bike Bus to? *
What role are you interested in taking? *
If you are a Teacher interested in supporting a Bike Bus at your school, please indicate what school you commute to:
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