Boys Basketball Registration
Registration Fees:
 $50 per child plus $10 annual Athletic Association dues (annual association dues only applicable if this is your child's first sport of the year)

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Sports *
Child's First and Last Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Gender *
Child's Current School *
If other, what school does your child attend?
Child's Current Grade *
Child's Current Age *
Child's Shirt Size *
Child's Short Size *
Parent / Legal Guardian's Full Name *
Email Address *
Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Medical Conditions / Medications / Allergies *
Has your child played this sport before? *
If yes, previoius School, Coach, Year
List other sports / activities that may conflict with this sport?
Are you interested in coaching or assisting with coaching? *
If interested in coaching / assisting, have you (Virtus) completed the Child Protection Class and fingerprint / background check?
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Parish Member of *
If none of the above, what parish are you a parishioner?
By submitting this form, I hereby acknowledge that all St. Lawrence Athletic Association Membership Dues and or Fees must be paid before my child(ren) can participate. *
All Parents and Athletes are to watch this video and sign the link acknowledging that you have done so.
I acknowledge that a Parent and the Athlete named above have watched the Lindsay's Law Video. *
Permission is granted for my child to participate in the above activity at St. Lawrence. I hereby release St. Lawrence Parish and School, the St. Lawrence Athletic Association, Its Agents, Employees, Officers, Administrators, Managers, Coaches and Assistant Coaches, for all claims, for all personal injuries to property, caused by or arising out of the activity. I hearby certify that I am the parent/guardian of the player named above, and that to the best of my knowledge, he/she is physically fit to participate in said activity. I understand that it is the responsiblty of each parent/guardian of said player to adequately cover that player with proper insurance. I UNDERSTAND, HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS GENERAL RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ALL ITS TERMS. I EXECUTE THIS RELEASE VOLUNTARILY AND WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Parent/Guardian Signature: *
Today's Date *
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