Digital Footprint Assessment
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Your Digital Footprint:
1 point
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If you find something in your digital footprint that is unflattering, you should:
1 point
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According to the article "Your Digital Footprint Matters", when data is collected without the owner knowing it is referred to as a __________
1 point
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According to the article "Your Digital Footprint Matters", when a user, for the purpose of sharing information about oneself by means of websites or social media, deliberately releases data it is referred to as a _______________________
0 points
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Online Passwords are life long and should never be changed or you might forget how to log in.
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Your digital foot print is formed only by what you post online.
1 point
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Information about job applicants are often researched by prospective employers, what should you do based on this information?
1 point
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When selecting a photo for use on your social networking profile you should use:
0 points
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