1) The Book Pickup Service allows UM Library registered members to request and pickup item(s) that are available in the UM Library collection, provided the item is permitted to be borrowed out.
2) This service is not applicable for books with ‘ON LOAN’ status.
3) However, you may place a hold on books with 'ON LOAN' status. Once you place a hold, your request will automatically be put on queue.
4) Requests are limited to five (5) items in your library account at one time.
5) Nonetheless, it is important to note that only a single (1) title can be borrowed from the Academic Reserve Collection at any given time.
Once you place a request, the Library staff will locate the material(s) within two (2) working days.7) Please note that the item(s) will be checked out to your library account once located. You will receive an email notification for pickup.
8) Pickup location is determined by the location of the library holding the item (Central, branch, Special libraries)
9) Item pickup is during the library Opening Hours only.
10) If the requested item is not picked up within three (3) days, the request will be automatically cancelled.
11) Present your Staff/Student/External Membership card at the Service Counter before picking up the item(s)