ASU Archiving 101 & Scanning 101 Workshop with Chicanos Por La Causa
Tuesday, September 10th
Community History & Archives 101 Workshop
We'll share how to organize and store your photographs, documents, and artifacts. Participants will receive an "Archive Starter Kit" that contains preservation information and archival supplies (acid-free box, folders, mylar, and gloves).

Scanning 101 Workshop
Bring your special photographs and documents and learn how to scan and digitize your photos with the help from the CDA team.

Refreshments provided. 

Parking info: Parking is free and available all around the perimeter of the property along the street. 
Address: CPLC Central Park Rec Center, 140 E. Tonto St. Phoenix
Point of Contact: 

In partnership with ASU Libraries and AZ Barrio Stories. 
Se Habla Espanol. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Registration is required per adult for funding and reporting purposes. 
First & Last Name / Nombre y Apellido  *
Date of birth / Fecha de nacimiento *
Zip Code / Codigo Postal *
Phone Number / Numero de Telefono *
Email / Correo Electronico *
Annual Family Income / Ingreso Anual de Familia *
Number of people supported by income / Numero de personas sostenidas por ingresos *
Gender / Genero *
Employment Status / Estatus de Empleo *
Primary Language / Idioma Primario *
Education Completed / Nivel de Educacion *
Race / Raza *
Marital Status / Estado Civil *
How did you hear about this event?  *

I irrevocably consent to and authorize Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. (herein referred to as CPLC), its agents, employees, legal representatives, licensees and/or assigns to use the image of me in any and all video and photograph taken, in whole or in part, for all purposes in any form or medium, including, without limitation in all marketing materials (“Marketing Materials”) if, in its sole discretion, CPLC chooses to do so.  I understand that the Marketing Materials may be used, as CPLC chooses in its sole discretion, in any services or products that reproduce the Marketing Materials (“Products”).

Yo consiento y autorizo irrevocablemente a Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. (en lo sucesivo, CPLC), sus agentes, empleados, representantes legales, licenciatarios y/o cesionarios a usar mi imagen en todos y cada uno de los videos. y fotografías tomadas, en su totalidad o en parte, para todos los fines en cualquier forma o medio, incluidos, entre otros, todos los materiales de marketing ("Materiales de marketing") si, a su exclusivo criterio, CPLC decide hacerlo. Entiendo que los Materiales de marketing pueden usarse, según lo elija CPLC a su exclusivo criterio, en cualquier servicio o producto que reproduzca los Materiales de marketing ("Productos").

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