Care Workers Need Your Support!

Sign on in support of Colorado's Care Workers and stay updated on our continued fight for these workers and the valuable services they provide!

Direct care workers provide compassionate care that allows our aging loved ones and Coloradans with disabilities to live in their own homes with dignity. Yet, many care workers in our communities are so underpaid, they are homeless. Low pay and poor working conditions are driving care workers to flee the industry in record-high numbers, leaving a massive gap between those who need care and workers to provide it. 

On the job, care workers––predominantly women, many women of color and immigrants–face poor working conditions, low pay, and issues like wage theft and sexual harassment. Care workers work in isolation, rarely seeing each other or other healthcare providers. As a result, the issues that both care providers and people receiving care face often go unaddressed and worsen. 

Through Colorado Care Workers Unite (CCWU), care workers across our state have been organizing to fix long-standing problems and win more power to help make decisions in their industry–so they can take care of themselves, while they take care of others.


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