INLDC Membership Request

[Para español Link]

Thank you for your interest in the Indiana Latino/Hispanic Democratic Caucus!

To complete your membership application, please ensure that you pay your 2024 membership dues. Once you have completed this form, a board member will review your application within two weeks, and a welcome email will be sent to the email address provided. Membership Includes: 

👥 Connecting with Latino Democrats across the state, including elected officials who advocate for our community.
🛜 Joining a network of advocates ready to make our voices heard and drive positive change.
😎 Exclusive discounts on merchandise and events as a dues-paying member.
📰 Access to Substack premium content, including survey data, polling, and more. 

Membership Types:
  • Associate Members ($10/yr): These individuals are welcome to engage in discussions but do not have voting rights or eligibility for elective office within the organization.
  • Full Members ($25/yr): These members must be registered Democrats who have participated in the last Democratic primary and actively support the Indiana Democratic Party. They are granted voting rights and are eligible to hold office within the organization.

If you have any questions about your membership application, please contact us at
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(First and Last Name)
(Primero y Apellido) 
Zip Code: 
County of Residency:
Condado de Residencia: 
Congressional District:
Distrito del Congreso:
Phone Number: 
Número de Teléfono: 
Correo Electrónico: 
Membership Type: *
Can membership dues be submitted today?
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